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Koigu Magazine 1
Koigu Magazine 2
Koigu Magazine 3
Koigu Magazine 4
Koigu Magazine 5
Koigu Magazine 6
POLAR BEAR HOODIE: Takes 3 skeins instead of 1.
Koigu Magazine 7
Row 7: *k3(YO twice, k1) 7 times, YO twice, k3; repeat from *
Row 8: *k3(k first YO and drop next YO, k1) 7 times, k first YO and drop next Yo, k3; repeat from *
Row 9: *Skp, k17, k2tog; repeat from *
Small Square: CO 21 sts using knit-on CO.
Row 1: (WS) sl.1, K19 tbl, P1.
Row 2: Sl 1, K8 tbl, SK2P, K8 tbl, P1.
Row 3: Sl 1, K tbl to last st, P1.
Row 4: Sl 1, K7 tbl, SK2P, K7 tbl to last st, P1. Rep Rows 3 & 4, dec 2 sts at center every RS row, until 3 sts rem, ending with RS row.
Last Row: (WS) Sl 1, P2tog, PSSO. secure last st.
Row 10: *p2tog, p15, p2tog; repeat from *
Designer leaves ends approx 1” long so not to waste yarn
COLOUR LATTICE: Yarn Requirements: various CC totaling approx. 400 (450,500,550)g
OMBRE SHRUG: chart should read in the round. When changing to colour C, 30 rows to bind off. Increases should read at row 7, 15, 22, 30
TRIANGLE LEAF SHAWL: Leaf type A row 5 should read: P17, w / t, not P7,w/t.
Koigu MAgazine 8
Viking : Different knitting style may result in shortages of yarn. Suggested yarn requirement; 3 skeins of colour A (lightest) 5 skeins of colour B, C, D: 3 skeins of colour E (darkest)
Please note that the designer leaves a tail end of 1.5 inches. Excessive length on the tail endsmay result in shortages of yarn.
Koigu Magazine 9
Decalcomania: Brk, yo, Brk’ is ‘brkyobrk’. brkyobrk 2-stitch increase. Into one stitch, brk1, yo, brk1. Sl2yo is sl1yo. Sl2yo is wrong. Sl1yo slip 1, yarn over. Slip the next stitch purl-wise, then bring the yarn over the needle (and over the slipped stitch) to the back, in position to work the following stitch. This slipped stitch with its yarn over is considered 1 stitch.
Row1: sl 1, kfb, sl1 (4st);
Row 2: knit;
Row3: sl 1, kfb, kfb, k 1(6 st);
Row4: knit;
Row 5: sl.1, kfb, knit to last 2 sts, kfb, k1. Repeat the last 2 rows until you have reached 150 st,
Little Flies:
Puzzle Cardigan: Panel section Row 2 should read, Row 2 (RS): “KFB, k18, SSKP, k18, KFB”
Lace Pullover:
G is P321: 1 skein
I is 632: 2 skeins
Koigu MAgazine 10
Rythme Waves:
Chevron Pattern: multiple of 14 sts + 1 st. Row 1 (RS): k 1, M1L, k 5, Centered Decrease, k 5, M1R. Row 2 (WS): purl.
Back: With A CO 145 (159, 173) sts and work in seed stitch for 10 rows, then purl 1 WS row. Start pattern as follows: selvedge st, k1, k2tog, k5, M1R, work chevron pattern repeat 9 (10, 11)X, k 1, M1L, k 5, ssk, k1, selvedge st. Continue in pattern following the colour sequence…
These corrections apply to the other parts, too, and to all sizes. The first k2tog, k5, M1R and the last k 1, M1L, k 5, ssk are one pattern repeat which is just a little bit different because it is on the edges. This repeat is included in the original repeat count.
I think everyone in the Northern Hemisphere, after months of snow and cold, is pining after a green spring right about now. This month’s collector colour is inspired by the garden movement, environmentalism and hope for a greener, cleaner future.