Tulips and Birch - Koigu Collector Club, May + June

May - Tulips

Whats more beautiful than tulips blooming in May? We’ve had a pretty chilly May so far, little growth in the flower department. However, many tulip festivals happened at the beginning of May, as they do annually, and wow are the photographs beautiful! This month, Taiu chose the inspiration for the Koigu Collectors Club to be a field of Tulips! You can see in the dyelot, hints of red and yellow representing the flowers, and the main colour of green. Find it in LYS now.


June - Birch

Featuring the inspiration of Birch tree’s, Taiu’s Collector colour this month is a base of black and white, featuring bits of darker green and lime green. Birch will be available in LYS’s coming soon!


You can find May and June’s colour’s at the following shops: