Designer Spotlight - Marji LaFreniere
Marji is the designer of the stunning front cover piece for Koigu Magazine 9! Marji has designed many beautiful pieces out of Koigu, and this crochet piece is no different! Marji also designed the Bradley scarf in the Pencil Box Collection!
Marji is the owner of Marji’s Yarncrafts and this coming weekend she will be participating in the I91 Shop Hop! If you're planning on doing the Shop Hop, definitely stop by her shop to see her amazing selection of Koigu, Koigu Magazine 9 in stock and have a chance at a HUGE raffle giveaway from Koigu!
I asked Marji a few questions so we could get to know her as a designer!
What started you to knit or crochet?
I have loved to make “stuff” since I was a little girl. My mom taught me to knit when I was about 10. I didn’t really take to it. When I was in my late teens, I taught myself to crochet with the Reader’s Digest “Complete Guide to Needlework” and then re-taught myself how to knit. After a while, I had my mom teach me again to knit like she and my grandmother did; they both knit in the Eastern Uncrossed style and I felt that it was so much more efficient and I got so much faster! That was when I really took off with both my knitting and crochet!
How many years have you been crafting?
50(ish) years crafting, with at least 40 of them knitting and 30 of them as a knitting/crocheting shop owner. I also like to sew, garden and sometimes embroider and needlepoint, when time permits.
How has knitting or crocheting affected your life?
It is my relaxation, my fun, my therapy. It allows me to work with colors, textures and I love to wear and use the things that I make. Knitting and crocheting just make me happy.
Whats your favourite stitch?
There is no way on earth that I can narrow it down to a favorite stitch. Okay, well maybe seed stitch is close….
Who is your designing idol?
I’m easily distracted by many different designers! I’m always impressed with the great talent in the knitting and crochet world.
Who do you make for most?
Since I have a shop, most of my knitting is shop models. I do pick designs and colors that I love, and many of the shop models stay in my wardrobe. I would love to knit for my kids,but they don’t want anything knitted – I guess I overdid it when they were little!
Whats your ideal knitting or crocheting environment?
Comfy chair, Netflix, coffee, tea or wine, and chocolate!
What is your favourite project you have ever created?
I think my favorite is one of my older knits, which is a mosaic shawl that I made out of a whole pile of my favorite Koigu KPPPM colors. It was my first time working with mitered squares and it was a lot of fun to make.
Is there any form of crafting or making you're interested in trying?
I made an Alabama Chainin fully hand-embroidered and hand-seamed skirt about 2 years ago and I would love to make another garment like that. It took a really long time but it was so satisfying and I will wear it ‘til it falls apart!
What are you making now?
I am making a top-down, plain long cardigan in black sport-weight merino. I have wanted to make this for a long time and, despite the small needles and black yarn, I am enjoying myself! I usually use a lot of color in my projects, so this is a departure for me.